
From reader Kerry Bryan:

This commentary was effin' brilliant!

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Would you settle for stock in his SM company?

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Back in the sixties, when it was time for finals, it was time for protest, against Viet Nam or for Civil Rights. The end game was to cancel finals. It took 60 years for these yoyo’s that there was a time to protest and a time to party.

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Excellent. I know that the former president is looking for a vp. With your experience as interim president and this eloquent speech, you'd be an admirable selection and I'm planning to recommend you. BTW, do you have a dog? As our beloved founder wrote, "He who lies down with dogs shall rise up with fleas!

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Please tell Trump I won't work for him unless he provides 100% of my compensation up front.

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Seems to sum up the situation perfectly – and I might add in a way that would make William Penn proud. Penn wrote in "Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims" (a book of sayings published by Ben’s brother, James) “Where wisdom has wit to express it, now there’s the best orator.” If only the participants understood that.

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