From reader Robert Zaller:

As for the Nobel Prize in literature, the real honor is not winning it: Just ask Tolstoy, Proust, Musil, Joyce, Kafka, etc., etc. Or Bob Dylan, the subliterate songwriter who at least had the dignity to be embarrassed at winning the prize.

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John Steinbeck, upon winning the Nobel for literature, was asked if he thought he deserved it. "Frankly, no," he replied.

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From reader Cathy Coate:

The original YAP, i.e. "Young Aspiring Professionals Fast Track Handbook" was by Philadelphia's Cathy Crimmins. It was hilarious. This was usurped by Lisa Birnbach's, "The Official Preppy Handbook" (also hilarious), which was then displaced by the Yuppie Handbook, and the term Yuppie remains.

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Thanks for the memories. But actually, Birnbach's Preppy Handbook appeared in September 1980, Crimmins's YAP came out in 1983, and the Yuppie Handbook was published in 1984.

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You're also cited in the Wikipedia article for Yuppie.


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First of all congratulations, Dan! About the New Yorker… my grandfather, who wrote for many publications, ran the Washington bureau of a major New York newspaper, wrote speeches for a President and advised a governor, never could get an article accepted by the magazine. His one big disappointment. Was he better off?

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I saw the reference to you and was tickled that I knew you in Chicago in those days. Somehow it seemed silly to message you but now I wish I had. Even if you believe they were wrong. But I know so many good pieces of work you should be noted for.....and so do your friends. Enjoy!

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