
From reader Robert Zaller:

Fools come in all shapes, and Francis Fukuyama’s conclusion that the savage capitalism of the Reagan era was democracy’s utopia meant that even Donald Trump wasn’t the dumbest man in the world.

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From reader Myra Chanin:

Re your comment: "He’s a 78-year-old non-violent first offender"—

He’s not non-violent. He instigates violence from others. Urges followers more stupid that he to invade Congress. People got hurt and people died,

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I share your thoughts and feelings exactly.

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Gardner- I can't agree with your analysis...that we should be voting for VP. And if Trump does get elected and lives through his term? Sorry...too risky.

I would love to see well-respected uniformed folks who have experienced Trump up close to at least attempt to change some minds. Mattis, Kelly and others might...just might...make a difference.

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The "too risky part," at least as I see things, would be to have K Harris step up as President.

Maybe dogcatcher, but nothing higher. A dithering clown who Biden selected for VP for all the wrong reasons against the better interests of our country. The woman seems incapable of doing anything.

That seems much too risky for our country.

Thanks for your comment.

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I will be the first to admit that I am plagued with fear and worry about the current situation in the U.S. Democracy seems to hang by such a fragile thread. Would four more years of trump take us over the edge and topple our country into chaos and civil strife? My feeling is that the power he seems to command could change from him having the top job in the United States to making him the all-powerful dictator. It is sad that the politics of this country is now "us and them." Thank you, Dan, for trying to put my mind to rest that it won't be the end of the world if trump is elected in 2024. I hope you are right.

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If there's a God in heaven, Trump would be sentenced to six months of community service helping the disabled - the people he originally mocked - and that should have ended his campaign before it started.

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Can we agree that half the nation, more or less supports either candidate for all manner of reasons.

Seems that half of half of the supporters of the other candidate are supporting their candidate because they hate the other one; not much genuine support for either candidate. How could there be?

Let us consider that either presidential candidate might not survive the next four years, for health reasons, so who will step up? That is the prime reason to vote in 2024.

Responsible voters should vote for the best VP regardless of the shortcomings of the presidential candidates since the VP will likely be required to step up and then win the next term, too. This 2024 election is a race for the VP who could become president for the next almost 8 years! Serious stuff!

Which VP is strong, sensible, solid, tolerant, wise and able to step up to maintain and increase our strengths?

Biden's VP has repeatedly shown herself to be a very unwise selection to step up; a flibbertigibbet who has difficulty speaking intelligently about anything. A convincingly unimpressive person. Voting for her is not the way to strengthen the USA at home or abroad. Can anyone argue otherwise?

Will Trump select a VP on merit, wisdom, experience and commanding leadership qualities ready to step up and lead our nation better than Biden's VP?

Remember, it is our country's future through the VP, that we must vote for rather than for either presidential candidate in this unusual 2024 election.

Gardner A. Cadwalader


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As a physician I can assure you of the accuracy of your diagnosis. As an American I am chagrined to see how many millions of poorly educated and narrow-minded people we have in this country and their intent on having the inmates run the asylum. I am even more chagrined to see how many lawyers have helped to perpetuate Dumpie' s bad behavior in the past and to infect our demcracy with his putrid behavior in the future. Neither H. L. Mencken nor Hannah Arendt would be amused or surprised.

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Good piece. It reminds me of lines from Leonard Cohen's Anthem. "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." An earthquake -- even a minor tremor -- shows us where the fault line is. Across our landscape, what we have taken to be solid ground, we find things are not what they seem to be. We must now figure out how to act while we stand on unsteady ground. And we must be prepared for more shakes. But, at least, we know now where the cracks are.

Augustine wrote: Do not despair. One of the thieves was saved. Do not presume. One of the thieves was damned.

Beckett replied: 50/50 Not bad odds.

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