RE: Abortion

Regarding the recent commentary/discussions/controversy about abortion in one manner or another: First, I don’t believe anyone has the right to tell me what to do with my body, within my own skin. Secondly, everyone is pro-life; not everyone is pro-choice. But there ARE alternatives to abortion (besides having an unwanted child) which we don’t often hear discussed. Birth control! Tubal ligation, vasectomies, diaphragms, condoms, IUD, the pill and probably the most effective, “no”. And it seems to me that not all, but most of the loudest opponents to the right to abortion comes from men. Who, by the way, cannot get pregnant.

T. J. Snyder -- this was a letter to the editor of the KC Star - published.

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Dan, Thanks for this excellent piece laying out the logic and the evidence for an enlightened and progressive approach to sex education, birth control and abortion. I hope it will indeed persuade any mind (and vote!) that may still be wavering, and most recent voting patterns suggest there are some, even many. DR

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The abortion legislation battle started here in Boston fomented by Cardinal Bernard Law and later allied with the Protestant fundamentalist extreme right. At first the pro-life movement had more energy but was not taken seriously by people outside the prolife movement. The pro-choice people did not have a social movement of their own. The pro-choice summed up their position with the bumper sticker (there were still chrome bumpers and bumper stickers then) “If you are against abortion don’t have one.” Eventually the two sides each had their own candidate for a state senate seat. Everyone was surprised by the margin of victory for the pro choice candidate and that preference replicated in many elections after that one in Massachusetts and state after state until Roe vs Wade brought an armistice and the issue moved to presidential politics but pro choice had the status quo. Now Dobbs takes us back to where we were. We will see what happens. I’m betting on pro choice. In Dobbs the Republicans are like the dog that caught and bit the school bus wheel. As if the Republicans needed another reason besides Trump to lose more elections.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

Hi Dan,

A couple of things. First, this:

"Wives would be liberated from the fear of assault by their sex-hungry husbands..."

I get that the point of the piece wasn't the dynamics of control within marriages (marital rape exists, after all). I do think, however, that the possibility of pregnancy isn't the only reason women prefer not to have sex with their husbands whenever the man demands it. I realize you were basing the beginning of the article on an interview with a doctor.

Two other things:

1. Women may be very aware of other forms of birth control without having the money to pay for the pill. I think anyone who knows how to access an abortion more than once has heard of a condom, however, she might not have the emotional strength to say "no" to a partner who refuses to use one. IUD's have a bad reputation, and the other methods aren't without issues, either. I'm not arguing in favor of abortion as a form of birth control, btw.

2. There's something more insidious going on. I actually heard 45 say something about paying women to have babies. All women? No. The underlying message that he likes to tap is that without him, the country will be lost to the white majority. If there are more brown people than white people, well...

Here's an article with more information. Suffice it to say that this isn't the first time around for abortion restrictions, and like many, many things in this country, if you scratch the surface, you'll find an attempt to maintain the de facto caste system.


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